Charlie Bushman

Developing Software. Chasing Plastic. Plant Dad.

Work     0101 1001 0010 1110 Projects Sports   Music    Certifications Past Work 194 restore

About Me

  • Developer in Statistical Metagenomics with the Penn CHOP Microbiome Program (University of Pennsylvania and Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia)
  • Former Carleton College physics major ('21) with a thesis project on physical reservoir computing implementations
  • Outside interests in: music, food production/supply, quantum computing, blockchain, sports, creative writing, math
  • Spends way too much time playing ultimate frisbee

About This Site

  • Built with Flask, stylized with Tailwind CSS, and deployed "serverlessly" on AWS with Zappa
  • Get back to this page with the Home button in the top left on any page. See external links or download my resume in the top right. Explore other interesting pages with the buttons above. There are absolutely no fun easter-eggs so don't bother looking.

Get In Touch

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